Friday, August 15, 2014

Starting Peanut OIT (Oral Immunotherapy)

After a bad experience last year with the Duke Trials (pushing him too far in the Food challenge on the first day, resulting in a scary ANA reaction) Carter decided he was ready to look into OIT in a private practice. After a lot of research by Mom, we decided on Dr. Moss in Va. His office does take insurance, they dose once per day starting with peanut flour, then switching to Reeses Pieces, then Peanut M&M's. This takes about 6 months, then maintenance for 6 months, then a peanut challenge. Maintenance dose is 5 Reese's pieces or 3 Peanut M&M's.
On Sunday we headed to Chesapeake Va. We were able to hang out, go to the beach, and have some fun before starting the OIT escalation day Monday. Monday we went to Dr. Moss's office in Va. Beach. The staff was great and made us feel very comfortable. Dr. Moss came in and asked us questions and chatted with us. We loved him right away. He is very relaxed and calm, and feels that Carter will do great with the program. Started the first dose  0.1mg, and every 30 minutes increased doses to 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 3 mg. That totalled 6 mg. Waited 1 hour to make sure he was reaction free. He did great. Carter chose to mix with pudding. The next day we went back, he took his 6 mg dose, they waited an hour and then we were on our way! We got our little bag of peanut flour capsules to dose at home.

Carter was VERY nervous the morning of the escalation, but felt so much better and more confident when we were done. I gotta admit, mommy was sweating up a storm in the Dr's office even though it was freezing in the office! We will bring warmer clothes next time! It's about 3.5 hours to Chesapeake, where our hotel was and about 30 minutes to his office in Va. Beach. Daddy came this time, but next time it will just be me and Carter.

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