Friday, August 29, 2014

August 26th 2014
Carter ate about 3/4 of his dose and had an itchy throat again. Drank tons of water and ate toast and it eventually resolved.

August 28, 2014
Today was Kenny's birthday, and we were all excited and rushed to eat dinner, dose, open presents and have cake. So Carter ate half his dose and we moved onto presents and his throat started itching/hurting. Then he was saying it was hard for him to swallow. He was banging on his chest, so I immediately gave benadryl. Then fed ice and popsicle which helped. Started to resolve fairly quickly with the meds. Called Dr. Moss today and we are going to move him back down to 6mg for a few weeks. They are going to mail me more 6 mg doses. Carter is very relieved as all these itchy throats were scaring him. The goal is to progress without ever having any reactions, and we've had 3 with the 12 mg. I'm actually pretty surprised he is having such a hard time with such a low dose, but the only thing we can do is go slow and steady while his body gets used to the peanut. I guess it is going to take longer than we thought.

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